Medicinal plant species

  1. Wild Ginger (Curcuma xanthorhiza Roxb) belonging to the ginger family (Zingiberaceae), Wild Ginger is a medicinal plant native to Indonesia. The spread of the plant Curcuma However, many grown on the island of Java, Maluku and Kalimantan. Characteristics of Wild Ginger grows as a bush without a rod. Starting from the base of leaf stalks are long standing. Plant height between 2 m s / d 2.5 m. The leaves are long like a banana leaf round the stem where leaves are close to each other to form the stem. These plants can thrive in the lowlands with an altitude of 750 m above sea level, plants can be harvested after 8-12 months with traits such as leaf yellowing want to die. Tubers will grow at the base of the stem is dark yellow or light brown with a length of 15 cm diameter and 6 cm, it smells a bit spicy and slightly bitter. ginger has long been used for generations by our ancestors to treat jaundice, diarrhea, heartburn, flatulence and fatigue. Finally also be used to lower blood fat, prevent blood clotting as an antioxidant and maintain health by increasing the body's immune

  1. Vicious shard or Javanese people call it by name "sambang geteh", while on the ground Pasundan known as "remek meat", "reundeu beureum", and people call it by name ternate "lire". This plant has many minerals such as potassium, calcium, and sodium and other mineral elements. In addition there are also silicic acid, tannins, and glycosides. Usefulness as a remedy dysentery, diarrhea (diarrhea) and drugs and kidney stones can also be as lowering cholesterol. The leaves of this plant other than to drink boiled water, can also be eaten as fresh vegetables every day and carried out regularly. Leaves nasty shard also often used to overcome the body's got an itchy caterpillar or black ants, by applying a direct way leaves nasty shard on the itching part. To cope with diarrhea (diarrhea), dysentery, all parts of the plant is boiled, for about half an hour, kudian water is taken. The same process is to treat kidney stones. The leaves can also overcome the vicious shard diabetes by regularly eaten as fresh vegetables every day. Similarly to mengobai liver disease (jaundice), ambient (hemorrhoids) and gastritis by means eaten regularly.

  1. Bitter (Andrographis paniculata), is a kind of herbaceous plant of family Acanthaceae, which originated from India and Sri Lanka. The Sambiloto also be found in other areas, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and several places in the Americas. Andrographis genus has 28 species of herbs, but little is medically efficacious, one of which is Andrographis paniculata (bitter). Bitter leaves contain many compounds Andrographolide, which is a bicyclic diterpenoid lactone compound. Chemical compounds that taste bitter was first isolated by Gorter in tahun1911. Andrographolide has liver protecting properties (hepatoprotective), and proved able to protect the liver from the negative effects galaktosamin and paracetamol. Efficacy is closely related to the activity of certain metabolic enzymes. Sambiloto has long been known to have medical properties. Ayurveda is one of the ancient Indian system of medicine that includes bitter as a medical herb, which is called by the name Kalmegh bitter in Ayurveda. In addition to nutritious protects the liver, bitter can also suppress the growth of cancer cells. This is because the active compound, ie, Andrographolide, lower expression of the enzyme CDK4 (cyclin dependent kinase 4).

  1. HANDEULEUM (Graptopthyllum pictum [L.] Griff) Efficacy and treatments: Hemorrhoids: 10 g of fresh leaf handeuleum washed and boiled in 2 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup cooking water. Once cool, strain and drink boiled water morning and evening each ½ cup. Bruising: bark is cleaned and then finely ground and then massaged and wrapped with a bandage on the bruised area. Replace two meals a day. Constipation: 7 pieces of leaf wash and boil with 2 cups water to 1 cup. Once cool, strain and drink as well.

  1. Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis L) including chronic terna plant that usually grows in shaded places. Green leaves are smooth with a little purple, wavy edges, and irregularly toothed. Near the base of the stem, toothed leaves that form a rosette and terpusar located on the top hugging the stem Intermittent. Wavy leaves hug the stem is an efficacious destroy kidney stones. Inside the leaves contained high levels of potassium. The presence of potassium from the leaves is what makes tempuyung kidney stones scattered in the form of calcium carbonate, because potassium will get rid of calcium to join the compound carbonate, oxalate, or uric which is a kidney stone formers. The precipitate was finally dissolved kidney stones and washed out with urine. For use as a drug takes five pieces of fresh leaves tempuyung. Once washed, leaves smoked for a while. The leaves are eaten as a salad once finished with rice. In one day we can eat salad three times

  1. Beluntas an upright shrubs, woody, much branched, with a height can reach two meters. Single leaf, rounded egg shape, pointed tip, downy, yellowish-green young leaves and old after a long pale green leaves and from 3.8 to 6.4 cm. Grows wild in the soil with high humidity; in several places in West Java, this plant is used as a hedge and the boundary between guludan on the plantation. Some areas in Indonesia beluntas name with different names like baluntas (Madura), Luntas (Central Java), and Lamutasa (Napier). Traditionally the leaves are used as medicine beluntas to eliminate body odor, decreased drug fever, cough, and diarrhea medication. Beluntas leaf that has been boiled is very good for treating skin disease. Besides, it leaves beluntas also frequently consumed by the public as fresh vegetables. Presence information from the community who traditionally have long used the leaves as one beluntas medicinal plants led researchers to conduct various studies to prove the usefulness of scientific inquiry. In this paper we will try exposure beluntas two research utilization in the form of leaf extract as an antibacterial component and essential oils as antioxidants

  1. Knob planted flowers in the yard and planted as an ornamental plant growing wild in fields or enough sunlight. Plants originating from tropical America can be found at an altitude of 1-1300 m above sea level. It was sweet, neutral in nature. Flowers knob efficacious as cough medicine, drug shortness of breath, sputum and drug peluruh eye inflammation. Chemical content of Gomphrenin I, Gomphrenin II, III Gomphrenin, Gomphrenin V, VI and amarathin Gomphrenin. The content of essential oils, flavone or saponins have properties as a laxative sputum. Parts used are whole flowers or herbs fresh or dried herbs. Indications: o Interest o efficacious for the treatment of whooping cough (pertusus), o Pulmonary tuberculosis accompanied by coughing up blood, o Shortness of breath (Bronchial Asthma), o acute airway inflammation and chronic inflammation of the eye o, o Headache, o Heat and seizures in children due to liver disorders, nightmares in children, Dysentery o, and o is not smooth urination

  1. Cloves are the dried flower bud of the clove tree generated, clove tree widely grown in the tropics, Indonesia is known as one of the clove-producing countries. Many plants resulting in the Moluccas. Clove today largely utilized for flavoring food, while utilization for health has been known for centuries. In China, cloves are used to eliminate bad breath more than 2000 years ago, at the time of Emperor to suggest if people want to see him have to chew cloves in advance so that when the talk will smell the fragrant aroma. Even clove in China and Persia are also thought to stimulate sexual pitalitas. Cloves are very strong efficacious for drug because it can stimulate. Anti-bacterial, anti-virus and anti-septic. Once processed into oil of cloves can be used to relieve pain for people with toothaches because the content of the compounds contained therein can help circulation and stimulate blood circulation and skin when applied directly to the skin. Together is informed some of the benefits of cloves for treatment, including: • Stimulates the respiratory aromatics: Used to treat nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating, fatigue and digestive disorders. Clove oil can also be used as a powerful antiseptic and wound healer and can relieve throat. Cloves are widely used as a real drug is used to protect them from colds and stomach bloating. Helps stimulate blood circulation and regulate body temperature. • Indigestion: Clove can stimulate the production of enzymatic and improve digestive functioning. Cloves are used in addressing permasalahn stomach, abdominal pain and digestive disorders. As for how pembuatanya drug used to treat vomiting, abdominal pain and throat is to soften cloves and mixed with honey then dimimum. • Cholera: Cloves are very powerful to cope with cholera because it can strengthen intestine mucus and gastric ulcers and increase the number of white blood, as for how to take 4 grams of clove bud and 3 cups of water and then boiled until it becomes half. • Asthma: For treatment of asthma medication how to take the six petals of clove mixed with 30 ml of water and a little honey, do it 3 times a day. • Toothache: For toothache how to cope with the utilization of 10 cloves roasted until charred. Milled until smooth, put kelubang teeth to taste, then cover with cotton. Apply 2 times a day. Another way: plug tooth cavities with cotton that has been spilled oil of cloves.• Headache: To overcome the headaches do with mixing cloves, salt and milk, because the nature of the salt can absorb liquid and lowers blood pressure. • Blood Circulation: Clove oil is beneficial to increase your metabolism, by increasing blood circulation will lower body temperature.

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